According to the newly published Graphic Speak report, the video card market rose to more than 50 billion dollars due to supplies from AMD and NVIDIA partners in 2021. During the year, more than 50 million additional boards were shipped (AIB), and the market as a whole increased deliveries by almost 30% per year.
AMD and NVIDIA report record income for the game segment for the last quarters. If you think that it can be just two "titanium graphics cards" and their partners who are alone to extract the maximum benefit from high prices, you would not be completely right, deliveries also increased significantly over the year. What we do not know exactly, so it is how much of these cards was ultimately used for mining cryptocurrencies, and not for games (assumption - a lot!). Now that all 2021 is analyzed and taken into account, Graphic Speak reports that the market AIB reached $ 51.8 billion. This figure is a growth for the entire year by 29.5%. As for the number of graphics cards delivered, JPR believes that in 2020, 42 million video cards will be released to the market, and last year there were more than 50 million. These figures show that the average price of the video card in 2021 was an incredible mark of 1000 dollars. This increased income can be very pleasant for red and green teams and their partners, but the industry could achieve greater success in terms of units, since in 1998 116 million graphic cards were delivered.
GFX SPEAK shared some interesting numbers for AMD and NVIDIA separately. In 2021, AMD showed very good results. The total supply of AIB desktop PC for the quarter by quarter increased by 12.4% and increased by 35.7% compared with the same quarter of last year.
Nevertheless, NVIDIA remains extremely dominant with a market share of 77.2% to 2021, although its growth was not so impressive. Compared to the same quarter last year, the volume of shipments in a quarterly calculus increased by 0.5% and increased by 27.7%. Dr. John Peddi, President JPR, also commented on the latest published studies. He pointed out that no one was sure whether Intel would sell his graphic processors for desktop PCs through AIB, act independently or use both channels. We expect that it will follow the market trends set by AMD and NVIDIA, using AIB and non-standard designs. Another one moment raised by Peddi, was that Intel will enter the market of graphic processors for desktop PCs at the moment when the market can see Falling sales based on cryptoming and survive "hangover from COVID-19". If this turns out to be the blue team, it may be more likely to Johnny, who's late than the knight in shining armor. The first quarter of 2022 was only completed, and while the source has no data for this very last period.