The best free ML course from Amazon Ml Academy. More precisely, there are several courses:
Tabular Data - This Content Is Based on Machine Learning University (MLU) Accelerated Tabular Data Class. Slides, Notebooks and Datasets are Avainable on Github
Computer Vision - This Content Is Based on Machine Learning University (MLU) Accelerated Computer Vision Class. Slides, Notebooks and Datasets are Avainable on Github.
Natural Language Processing - This Content Is Baed on Machine Learning University (MLU) Accelerated Language Processing Class. Slides, Notebooks and Datasets are Avainable on Github
Decision Trees and Ensemble Methods - this Content is basily Learning University (MLU) Decision Trees and Ensemble Methods Class. Slides, Notebooks and Datasets are Avainable on Github
I only went through Tabular Data in the Amazon. It is enough to understand what ML is and how to use it. If you are working with Data not like ML or Data Scientist, then it will be useful for you for overall development, understand how it all works, and how ML looks in practice. But you need to know Python.
By the way, it is the Tabular Module that I will put in the Data Learn module 11 about the ML for Data Engineer. And then maybe I will add MLFLow an example of mlops.
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