835 million US dollars the result of Johnny Depp and Amber Herd Judicial Battle
- Jun 02
Johnny Depp won the court with Amber Hurd. As we expected, the actor managed to convince the jury volume of fan support that he is worthy of a chance for rehabilitation.
The court concerned only the article of 2018, where, without mentioning, the actress said that she became a victim of domestic violence. Depp said that this harmed his career.
The article was written not by Amber herself, but by a hired journalist. She only made edits.
At the trial, agents and managers said that Depp's career “killed” was not an article, but delayed work and harmful dependencies. The witnesses who were unrelated directly with Herd said that "to find the day when the depp was not under anything, it was problematic for the meeting" that he was "lifted up" by the producers for eternal delays for shooting, and that in recent years he rarely taught the text before work , and demanded a headphone with tips of replicas. Sud decided to award the depp $ 10 million. US dollars, $ 5 million in the amount of "punitive losses". The latter is a unique term in the Western system of justice. They are characterized as a payment, designed to prevent a repeat by the lost side of the incident.
And also - the jury awarded Hurd’s victory against the approval of one of the lawyers of Depp that her story about domestic violence was a scam - in the amount of compensation for $ 2 million.
An interesting point that many did not pay attention to, lies in the fact that, according to the laws of the state of Virginia, where the trial took place, the size of punitive losses cannot exceed 350 thousand US dollars.
Thus, Amber Herd should pay depp $ 8.35 million instead of the requested by Depp 50 and the Herd 100 required. It remains a mystery why the jury awarded the amount in the amount exceeding the laws of their state. Apparently, they did not know them, or they did it specifically in the expectation that everyone would write about $ 15 million, and Depp victory will look more significant.
The amount for the payment of Herd is quite lifting, although the studios will shun the loser in court for some time.
The lawsuit was civil, not criminal. The subject of the trial was the heading of the article in the newspaper in 2018, published under the authorship of Amber Hurd, which was not mentioned by the name of Johnny Depp, but it was said about home violence.
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The process did not find out whether there was domestic violence, in fact, and the victory of Depp lawyers can be recognized as the correct formulation of the jury, who did not have to judge who beat whom, but managed to focus on the questions whether it was possible at that time to correlate the article itself with Johnny Depp by the heading, and whether she could interfere with his receipt of new roles.
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