In the new trilogy "Star Wars" a character was represented by Rei. The brave girl performed by Daisy Ridley challenged Kylo Rena and the first order, opening Jedi abilities in herself.
She also dreamed of finding out the truth about her parents, who, as it turned out, threw her in childhood on the planet of garbage collectors - Jaccu.
The new novel "Shadow of Sith" by Adam Christopher, who came out in the USA recently, answered the latest questions of Rei's biography about her parents.
As it turned out, Rey is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine. Her father was one of the clones of the villain, who, however, did not receive super-capabilities, but hated his creator.
The father of Rei was called Datean, and he went on a run from the planet Exsegol. The emperor then did not destroy Datean, hoping to somehow use in the future. Datean fled from the villain at a young age with a character named Simeong.
Soon he met Mother Rei named Miramir, and he and Datean fell in love with each other. Datean and Miramir settled on Jaccu, not expecting the emperor to look for them there. Having learned that they had a child, he sent a mercenary-test after them. That was the name of the glasses from Bestun.
After the first confrontation with an eye, the couple stole his ship and fled, throwing Rei on Jacca. They hoped that the points would go in pursuit and would not look for Rei on the planet, believing that they took her with them.
In the end, he tracked at Rei's parents and killed the Sith by a blade of Sith, angry that they had taken away so much time from him. Before their death, Rei's parents were able to lure the killer into the zone of unsteady sands, and the tracking of Rei stopped for a while.
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Thus, Rei's parents really threw her at Jacca, but only to save him from the hired killer.
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