Why climate change in the next decade will again make Russia superpower
- Oct 25
The global climate change around the world is associated with unbearable heat, floods, an economic crisis and drought. But for Russia, this is accompanied by positive aspects - the upcoming climatic changes will open new boundaries for the extraction of energy resources.
To date, there are many unknown territories in the Arctic not only for increasing oil and gas volumes, but also for iron ore, diamonds, gold, zinc, silver, copper, nickel and coal with a total value of two trillions of dollars (according to preliminary estimates).
Many current problems of Russia are associated with a harsh climate that limits the development of the country. The main part of the coastline is covered with ice for more than six months - this blocks access to global trade.
The level of the oceans over 23,000 years rose by 4.6 m due to the melting of glaciers. This process invariably affects large urban agglomerations that are located along the coastline, which can lead to their flooding. But in Russia, only single cities (St. Petersburg, Makhachkala, Vladivostok) are built on the water, which also represents them in a winning light.
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Climate change for many countries will be a disaster. Scientists noted the fact of global warming: "This process cannot be stopped."
The warming and melting of ice will bring other countries a problem in the form of an economic recession. And in many ways this is due to labor productivity. Previously, studies were conducted that proved that the maximum labor productivity is observed in the climate with an average annual temperature of +11 ... +14 degrees. To date, the zone of the highest labor productivity is located throughout the US, Europe, Korea, China and Japan (conditional line on the equator). Most modern rich countries are located in a comfortable zone for maximum labor productivity. But we will be able to observe adverse changes for them by the end of the 21st century due to the global climate change.
The zone of maximum labor productivity for the entire existence of mankind was in different places, and in the near future it will also change, moving closer to the north. Therefore, those who south will not win.
The economy of the Arctic will provide a unique opportunity. The North of Russia and Siberia are rich in many hidden resources, so warming in this zone will open up new economic opportunities for the country. More than 50% of the coastal line of the Arctic Ocean run in Russia, and if this potential is revealed, a shorter way of caring for goods to Europe will open.
In the north of the country, there are quite large capacities for the extraction of oil products and natural gas, but most of them are not investigated due to the predominance of harsh climate. In connection with global warming, most of the north will become accessible to living and developing territories.
Russia is the main supplier of natural gas to Europe. Approximately 85% is mined in Western Siberia, and thanks to a successful geographical position, gas manages to directly supply not only to Europe, but also to Asia. However, at the moment there is a reorientation of the energy market towards Asia. Already, Russian ports in the Far East are ahead of Western cargoes western - this happened for the first time in the history of their existence.
With climate warming, the agricultural sector of Russia is waiting for the expansion. Today, the Russian Federation is considered the largest exporter of barley, wheat and oats. After moving the warming area to the north, more Russian lands (about 5 million km²) will become available for agricultural production.
Russia has a fourth -length coastal line in the world (half longer than that of the United States). But for a long time the country was isolated from the ocean and practically had no access to the sea. For most of the year, the coastline is covered with ice - this leads to the difficulties of its development, since the fleet of the country has only 31 icebreaker.
For many centuries, Russia could not access the world ocean and the corresponding advantages (world trade and power). But the onset of global warming will change the situation for the country for the better - the Arctic will be free from the ice in the summer and access to the Northern Sea Route will open.
China also takes part in Russian Arctic projects, as he is interested in quickly transporting goods and reducing economic losses. The Chinese have already invested $ 200 billion in the development of the Northern Sea Route.
Cargoes to Europe from the PRC are delivered through the Suez Canal (the length of the sea route is 18,000 km, they are overcome in 37 days). However, delivery by SMP would be 22 days, since its length is on average 10,000 km. The reduction in transportation time would significantly reduce the expenses of Chinese companies, so the choice of routes of the Northern Sea Route is economically beneficial for both Russia and China.